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When is Garage Sale Trail?

Garage Sale Trail is happening next over two big weekends - 9-10 & 16-17 November 2024. You can take part on one day or do more, from anywhere in Australia.

How do I register?

Registrations are now open. List your garage sale or search for group sales to join near you.

How much does it cost?

It's free to participate thanks to the support of over 80 councils across the country.

How can I be involved?

You can host a garage sale and make some cash from the things you no longer love, or shop the Trail and pick up a bargain.

How do I find the events near me?

Visit the national map to search for sales happening near you. Add your suburb and apply filters to find sales on specific dates or selling the stuff you're looking for.

💻 For all other enquiries, email us at

🗞️ If you have a media enquiry or would like to request an interview, you can get a direct line to our media team at